Has this type of technology been used in Australia previously?

No, but projects using glow materials on paths have been used overseas but purely for short term decorative results.
Our system has been developed long term industrial and commercial applications and is a world first for this technology fully developed in Australia.

What is the product made from?

100% Australian made with 90% of components sources from Australia.  
The glow in the dark component is made up of a completely biological and chemically inert natural mineral.
The remaining components of the systems are manufactured from selected Australian owned and operated companies.

Is the material toxic?

Unlike highly phosphorus minerals used in the past, Moon Deck materials are completely non-toxic and totally inert, and meet all current environmental concerns. 

Is it slippery?

Moon Deck has been independently NATA tested and classed P5 being the highest achievable level of slip resistance.
Slip check is a division of Safe Environments Pty Ltd NATA accreditation # 17139 Australian standard: AS 4586:2013

What is the cost of the Glow Path?

Evaluation of project costing’s require each project to be assessed on individual specific project requirements.  Considerations are needed for the following, volume of works, traffic management, isolations, logistics, accessibility and climatic conditions.
As a rough guide pathway project costs will be marginally higher than traditional path rejuvenation works for certified slip resistance coatings, this is due to the addition of high grade materials and interlocking applications required for the system.
It should be noted that this type of product is also an integral form of safety identification and therefore evaluating the entire project is critical as a Moon Deck Path is more than just a footpath.

Why Moon Deck technology?

Through the use of our technology Moon Deck systems allow pedestrians and cycle safety through a passive form of lighting in dark and dimly lit pedestrian and cycle ways without the incurred costs of lighting infrastructure and on-going maintenance of such infrastructure including power consumption.
Mitigating work place risk on commercial and industrial sites,  include overhead gangways, elevated platforms, remote location, emergency lighting, access ladders, stairwells & stair nosing.

How long does the glow last for?

This glow mineral works by absorbing both direct and reflected sunlight, enabling the mineral to glow 24 hours a day, with maximum impact over night with clear visibility until dawn.

How Bright is it?

The glow intensity recorded in Millicandecents per meter squared reads as (MCD/M2)
35830@10 sec
3200@5 min
These test achieved a glow remaining for a total of 22 hrs. All figures quoted are +/- 5%

Does it meet Australian lighting standards?

Rather than street lighting the Glow Path emits a soft glow to guide pedestrians and cyclists, providing an energy efficient, passive form of lighting.
As this innovative technology evolves so to does the need for a lighting standard to reflect this technology.  Moon Deck is currently undertaking trials to include a lighting standard for such technologies.

Why does the path glow green?

Green is the natural colour of the mineral enduring the best performance. Alternative colours for example “blues”, are purely a synthetic decorative phosphorus version resulting in very poor performance with a short term glow emitted.

How long will a Moon Deck surface last?

All pathways will have different volumes and forms of traffic. This system has a lifespan that can be up to 15-20 years plus with periodical cleaning. The glowing component due to its natural composition can last for decades.  After time the top coat will wear from the top side of the locking coat, but will have no adverse effect on the glowing mineral.

Will it harm the local fauna, in particular those that come out at night?

The illumination from the path would not be sufficient to cause any significant impacts to the behaviour of arboreal fauna or their habitat in the canopy.
“Lighting of the path utilising a photoluminescent surface is in line with all the ‘fauna friendly’ lighting design principals mentioned above,”
Tim Mouton, Ecologist, Onsite Environmental Management Pty Ltd.

Other benefits to Moon Deck?

Unlike traditional painted line marking products, Moon Deck is not only a far more cost effective economical and environmental alternative to hazard identification, it also value adds the asset by its cross-linking protective membrane that becomes an integral part of the substrate surface, ultimately protecting and extending the overall life expectancy of the asset.


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